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Coverage for Companies of Every Size and Complexity

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Whether you're the entrepreneur of a small business or the corporate executive of a larger one, we'll apply a team approach to analyze your needs. We bring our full resources and personal attention to everything from accounting and claims processing to loss analysis and prevention.

Our commercial lines include property coverage for damage of every kind; comprehensive general liability arising from negligence; business auto insurance; workers' compensation; "umbrella" liability insurance for claims in excess of your primary policy limits; temporary disability insurance; and fidelity (bonding) policies for employees and company directors, as well as bid and performance (surety) bonds.

Risk Management Suited to Your Business
Our risk management team can structure a wide variety of programs to match your ability to assume risk.

Whether you choose us for consulting services or to out-source risk management, we have all the facilities to help achieve your objectives.

Our staff has expertise in retrospective rating plans and claims management for self-insured lines.


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