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  A Rewarding Career with Finance Insurance

To learn in more detail about Finance Insurance, Ltd, we welcome you to call our Interim President directly,

Paula Powell
(808) 522-2046,
or email her at:

All correspondence will be held in strict confidence.

As a Finance Insurance agent, you'll help businesses and families bring control to uncertainty - by providing protection against financial loss.

Unlimited Income Potential
As an independent agent you have the ability to set your own pace and establish your own income objectives. Finance Insurance provides incentives, monthly awards and bonus schedules to create more avenues available for agents’ to increase their income. Some of the other benefits we provide include:

• Supplying each agent with Premium Rating programs, Microsoft Office software, and an Agency Management System (e.g. Applied) to gain direct access to client files

• Client 24/7 online access to insurance coverage and service with our web based CSR24 application.

• Complete computer training on the Applied Systems as well as the other programs.

• Assistance in moving over your book from your present agency.

• Payment for Errors & Omission

• Individual office space paid by Finance Insurance

• Business development assistance

• Customer service to clients by staff

• Thank you letters to new clients.

• Agent committee for handling concerns, suggesting new ideas etc.

• Specialty markets exclusive to Finance Insurance to handle Architects & Engineers, Accountants and CPA’s, Financial Planners, Attorneys, Real Estate Agents/Property Managers, Doctors, and Dentists.

• A Life Department and Benefits Specialist contracted with numerous carriers to satisfy all business and personal client needs.

Finance Insurance Values our Agents
as Partners

Because of our philosophy concerning agents, we provide first hand assistance and have developed a strong internal process to make our agent’s lives easier allowing them to focus on what’s important. We are strongly committed to our agent force.

We are a Full Service Agency
With the variety of insurance and financial products offered through all of the major carriers in Hawaii as well as some of the highest ranked insurers in the US, you'll be able to help your clients meet any number of insurance goals. We are constantly developing new markets and packages that satisfy the changing needs of your clients.

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