Rick NomuraHonolulu Agent

Phone: (808) 522-2040
E-Mail: rnomura@financeinsurance.com

What I Specialize in:
I like to work with Property & Casualty, health, and life insurance.


Contact Information

Phone: (808) 522-2040
E-Mail: rnomura@financeinsurance.com

What I Specialize In

I like to work with Property & Casualty, health, and life insurance.


Rick was born and raised in Waipahu, on the island of Oahu. He graduated from Punahou in 2012 and was fortunate to play baseball at the University of Arkansas, which they went to the College World Series in 2015. On his free time, Rick is coaching the Hawaii Tigers, and helps out with Nomura Academy with baseball lessons. For Insurance, Rick has spent two years in Las Vegas, working in the commercial insurance field before making his way back home.